Celebrity cruising
I met so many fantastic people on board. Daily painted sketches attracted many. At one port, sitting up on the top deck, I was unaware I had an audience. A lovely gentleman from the USA tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I minded if he watched over my shoulder. He was keen to buy my sketch. It was only a sketch, although painted with watercolour, so I did decline. I gave him my card, and if you do read this please do email me through my website. I would love to do paintings of each port we visited. Yesterday was a day at Sea and again I sat up on the very top deck outside the main dining area. Trying to be inconspicuous I was drawing, a happy group of Afro Caribbean with one white gentleman in a wheelchair. 3of the ladies got up to see what I was doing and seeing themselves in my painting they also asked if they could buy the painting. As I had not asked their permission to paint them I gave them the painting. Thank you all for you wonderful compliments. I would love hear from anyone who was on the ship journey and enjoyed chatting and observing me paint!
What an amazing trip, one of a life time

Zebra all types and strips
Mixed media artist Jenny Whalley is well known for her Love of wildlife and has examples of her work available to buy.

The true story behind this painting / International artist
What inspires art? Is there a meaning behind the paintings I create? Well, read on to find out…

The art of being inspired by necessity | Mixed Media Artist
My work with rag paper had an unusual start, it was a method developed in a political and economic crisis, when we couldn’t get our hands on traditional art supplies.